Friday, March 20, 2009

Losing a Friend

Well, it seems like I am losing an old friend. I have been participating in a comment exchange over at Forum Finder for a while now. I have enjoyed reading and commenting on many other blogs. I have learned many things through the exchange. The owner just didn't have enough time to keep it going and has worsening health issues. I hope that one day it will return, until then, my blog friends, take care and be well. Good Luck and Best Wishes to Breezie!

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  1. It is sad to see it go. I just couldn't keep it up with my schedule anymore. I've got you in my Google Reader, and I'll still be reading and commenting.

  2. I'm so grateful you're taking up the slack! Commenting not only allows you to read great posts more often, but is an excellent marketing tool. Here's hoping, too, that Breezie gets well quickly :)

  3. I didn't know it was ending. ???

  4. Thanks for creating a Comment exchange Christina!! We tried to sign up, but we can't get the password to work! Can you figure out what we are doing wrong??
    Your FL furiends,
    and Maverick

  5. i'm said to see it go, but i'm glad you started a new one!

  6. hmm..Java..

    I know there are times, even with my blog that I get overwhelmed. I use to post every day, and now I have taken some of the pressure off. I removed my own "schedule" and decided to not make "Sharing Light" a chore.

    I know that health issues, family issues, even working full time can damper my spirits. So my blog is my wind down time. I think I helped my path by taking a step back. I removed my entrecard for now, and just kept it simple.

    I miss my regular readers at time, however I get even more excited now when good people like you come to visit, and leave me a sweet comment.

    Thank you, and happy "stress free" blogging

  7. If you can let me know how to register at your forum, I will appreciate it. Thanks so much.

  8. Thanks so much for taking on the challenge, Christina. It is nice to see Forum Finder friends showing up here! Get well soon Breezie!


Grab a cup of coffee and let me know your views, thoughts, or ideas.... Glad to see you here. Have a great day!