Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, off to Florida, I am..... I had the opportunity to visit 2 of my children and my grandbabies! So I am here in sunny Florida.... So forgive the quietness.... I will be back by the weekend.

EntreCard friends.... I will drop as can! Thanks for your support!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Have a great time, very good reason to take a blogging break unless you share pictures from the trip.

  2. Enjoy your kids and your vacation...I'm in sunny Florida, too! (live here)

  3. That's great Christina! I got to visit my grandbabies in Calif in March! Jst not enough for me! I want them closer! Have a wonderful time! While you sip ice tea in FL, I've drink your share of coffee :)


Grab a cup of coffee and let me know your views, thoughts, or ideas.... Glad to see you here. Have a great day!