Saturday, April 12, 2008

Homestead Chicks--Day 5

Well.... It is chick day five at the homestead!
My sweetie says he should have gotten me baby chicks along time ago.... I am so easily amused!
Sugar--keeping an eye on her babies!
My... how they have grown in such a short time!
Wing feathers are out. The NH Reds seem to have the most!
The tail feathers are beginning to peek out the back!
They are very active and observant. They can tell the difference between a hand coming in to grab them and a paw reaching in to pat them! They amaze me!

Here ... chick chick

Here... chick chick

1 comment:

  1. What adorable chicks! I'm so glad to have stopped by your blog! It's wonderful! I'm adding you to my Great Places on the Web section right away! Can't wait to read more!


Grab a cup of coffee and let me know your views, thoughts, or ideas.... Glad to see you here. Have a great day!