Sunday, July 20, 2008

hable espanol? son, the world traveler!

Up Up in the sky......

He's at home on a Caribbean beach or on the highest peaks.

Learning histories of ancient peoples.
(This is an actual Mayan Ruin...I'm impressed, but I'm Mom!)

Local frogs (in his hotel) and plant life (he called it ~ decomposer?)

Hanging out with his friends!

His UF group.

My son, Brian, one happy boy! I love you, son!


  1. He's a brave boy! Traveling like this at his age (I'm guessing late teens, early 20s?) changes your viewpoint on things forever. I spent a summer in Asia when I was 19, and have never viewed my life and all the trappings of being an American the same way again.

  2. lol...looks like he's having lots of fun. lucky boy!

  3. How very cool is that??? I'd be proud, too!

  4. Wow! The pictures are really neat! The one from the plane is awesome and almost makes me want to get on a plane, though I would have to get over my fear of heights! The other shots are also really good and it totally looks like he is having a blast!

  5. Looks like he's having a blast!

  6. Oh christina, it must just warm your heart to see him leading such a rich life and learning so much. Boys...they never stop being our babies, though, do they? Good work on raising a good boy!

  7. Great pics there.. I can see how happy is your son in the pic. Looks like you all had a great time there.


Grab a cup of coffee and let me know your views, thoughts, or ideas.... Glad to see you here. Have a great day!