Sunday, July 27, 2008

Having a Sunflower Day!

How 'bout you?


  1. wow nice day you have.. I'm only had my chair and pc for all day :lol: what a life ..

  2. A Sunflower day? Glad you are having one! Not sure what Mine would be....I DO actually have a SweetPea blooming...which is UNUSUAL for this time of year! Mean anything??? :)
    You've got lots for me to catch up on!!! Wish I had hi-speed!

  3. I love sunflowers.
    (sorry that's all I have to say at the moment, but its true)

  4. Hi!
    I found you through EntreCard surfing.
    I live in the Pacific NW and just picked up some beans from a little place called Allann Bros. out of Eugene, OR. Their motto "Fiercely Independant Since 1972".
    Oh... it's good stuff!

  5. Oh totally. And, because I'm from Kansas, even more so...*big grin ~ huggies*

  6. I am as well. Thanks for asking ;P

    I also love your coffee bean photo!


Grab a cup of coffee and let me know your views, thoughts, or ideas.... Glad to see you here. Have a great day!